Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My mad video skillz

Okay, so by "mad" I mean "horrible" and by "skillz" I mean "skills" (who am I trying to kid here? I'm 28, I can't get away with that type of slang anymore!). To be more accurate, my title should read: "My horrible video skills" but it doesn't sound nearly as inviting as "My mad video skillz", right? It has been quite some time since I've played around with creating/editing video so I recorded a test video just to see if I still had it in me.

If all goes well, I'm hoping to shoot the video, edit it, and have it posted on Murphy-Goode's website by the end of the weekend. Let me know if you're interested in helping out in the production of the video or if you just want to sit around, drink some wonderful Murphy-Goode wine, and laugh at me...I mean, laugh with me. And at the very least, definitely check back to see how things progress!

This video and its content is not at all what I intend on saying/doing in my real video.


  1. Toodles? There better be a sequel AND a prequel.

  2. I'd love to help in any way. especially in the drinking of wine part!!
    Mark C
