Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Video is Complete...I think

So I've spent a great deal of today working on this video. I woke up today feeling as though I had plenty of quality material to sort through but once I started editing, more ideas started to flow about how to set up this video. It's definitely a bit frustrating. I'm my own worst enemy. I want this video to look good and to convey my passion and qualifications. So there's one part of me that wants to shoot more scenes, take more pictures and tweak the script a bit. But there's also a part of me that feels that if I keep editing and making changes that I'll never feel satisfied to post a video. And that's just something I need to live with. I know I'm not a director. I'm just someone that has an extreme passion for wine. So with that said, here's my video:

No video could exist without it's counterpart: Outtakes & Bloopers

I would like to thank everyone who came by and supported me while I filmed this, especially Jennifer Lathan for driving around Denver looking for places to take pictures and imbibing in a few glasses of wine with me. And to Meredith for helping me process. Thank You. Filming this has been such a blast!