Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Tasty Night with Murphy-Goode

I am having the most fantastic night. To set the scene for you, I sat in traffic for almost 1.5 hours, it's wonderfully 80 degrees in Denver, and I'm hungry. The traffic alone is enough to put me in an unhappy place but surprisingly, it didn't. The stars must be aligned, I guess. Meredith and I, despite our earlier disagreement regarding who should call the cable company, have put our differences aside to make dinner together. Tonight we made asparagus & pancetta pizza. This is a favorite of ours, practically a staple in our house. I had some Murphy-Goode Chardonnay open and I figured I'd try pairing it with the pizza. My first impression of the chard was that it was a medium to full-bodied chardonnay with very noticeable toasted/vanilla notes on the nose with underlying apple. The Chardonnay paired very well with the pizza. The richness of the pizza is cut by the acidity in the Chardonnay. Plus with the salt in the pancetta, it was a nice change of pace to have the subtle vanilla & the roundness of the Chardonnay. We sat on the back stoop, eating pizza, drinking Murphy-Goode, enjoying the evening sky, and watching our puppy Fable to make sure he doesn't dig another damn hole in the backyard. The only thing that could've made this night more perfect would be having my "the softer side" music channel on Pandora playing in the background. If only one of us had called the cable company...

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