Thursday, May 7, 2009

What Wine to Pair with Squirrel

It's an odd title, I know, but it's an odd day. Literally. Today's date is 05-07-09. The next time there will be an odd sequence like this will be on July 9th, 2011. A date with this sequence is pretty rare. What's also rare is to see a fox walking around the office parking lot with a dead squirrel in it's mouth. To be accurate, the fox had 2 squirrels, but he had "squirreled" away the 1st squirrel in the bushes and ran off with the 2nd one. I can only assume he was saving it for dinner. He took off in the direction of LiquorMart so my imagination makes me think that he went to eat his delicacy, get an idea of the flavor profile of the squirrel and then go pick out a great wine to pair with his dinner. Perhaps he has a female (or male) companion to impress. I don't necessarily know the mating preferences of foxes. To be fair, I do know my mating preferences just not that of the Vulpes vulpes. So to answer the question of what pairs with squirrel, hell if I know. I'd probably just go with a Pinot Noir. If anyone has any idea of what to pair with squirrel, post your comments!

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